We are offering two days of taster workshops this August, where you can meet our staff, visit our facilities and try out the classes that we will be offering when we open this September.
DAY 1 - Thursday 19th August
This is a day for 4-6 and 7-9 year olds to trial lessons in Ballet, Jazz, Commercial & Musical Theatre. These workshops offer the opportunity to trial our classes in a fun environment whilst meeting our teachers and finding out what we have on offer!

DAY 2 - Friday 20th August
Our second day of workshops is for 7-9 year olds and those 10+, and include trial lessons in Ballet, Jazz, Commercial & Musical Theatre.

You will also have the opportunity to sign-up for classes beginning in September on the day, but these workshops come with no obligation to do so.
"We can't wait to meet you!" Miss Amy & Miss Brya
Book your place now by emailing performinmotion.pa@gmail.com